Lesson 1.3: Conditional Sentences in Tamil


Conditional sentences in Tamil express hypothetical or potential situations and their consequences. These sentences are crucial for discussing possibilities, making plans, and expressing regrets. In this lesson, we'll explore the different types of conditional sentences in Tamil and how to construct them effectively.

1. Basic Structure of Conditional Sentences

Tamil conditional sentences typically consist of two parts:

  • The condition (if clause)
  • The result (main clause)

The condition is usually introduced by என்றால் (eṉṟāl) or ஆனால் (āṉāl), both meaning "if".

மழை பெய்தால், நான் வீட்டில் இருப்பேன்.

Maḻai peytāl, nāṉ vīṭṭil iruppēṉ.

If it rains, I will stay at home.

2. Types of Conditional Sentences

a. Real Conditionals (Present/Future)

These express real or likely situations in the present or future.

நீங்கள் கடினமாக உழைத்தால், நீங்கள் வெற்றி பெறுவீர்கள்.

Nīṅkaḷ kaṭiṉamāka uḻaittāl, nīṅkaḷ veṟṟi peṟuvīrkaḷ.

If you work hard, you will succeed.

b. Unreal Conditionals (Present)

These express imaginary situations in the present.

எனக்கு பணம் இருந்தால், நான் ஒரு புதிய வீடு வாங்குவேன்.

Eṉakku paṇam iruntāl, nāṉ oru putiya vīṭu vāṅkuvēṉ.

If I had money, I would buy a new house.

c. Unreal Conditionals (Past)

These express imaginary situations in the past.

நான் படித்திருந்தால், தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி பெற்றிருப்பேன்.

Nāṉ paṭittiruṉtāl, tērvil tērcci peṟṟiruppēṉ.

If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.

3. Special Conditional Constructions

a. Using -ஆல் (-āl) Suffix

This suffix can be added directly to verbs to form conditionals.

மழை பெய்தால், விளைச்சல் நன்றாக இருக்கும்.

Maḻai peytāl, viḷaiccal naṉṟāka irukkum.

If it rains, the harvest will be good.

b. Using விட்டால் (viṭṭāl)

This construction is used to express "if [something] happens" or "in case of".

மழை பெய்து விட்டால், நாம் வெளியே போக முடியாது.

Maḻai peytu viṭṭāl, nām veḷiyē pōka muṭiyātu.

If it rains (in case it rains), we can't go out.

4. Negative Conditionals

Negative conditionals are formed by adding the negative suffix to the verb in the conditional clause.

நீங்கள் உதவி செய்யாவிட்டால், நான் இதை முடிக்க முடியாது.

Nīṅkaḷ utavi ceyyāviṭṭāl, nāṉ itai muṭikka muṭiyātu.

If you don't help, I can't finish this.


In this lesson, we've covered:

  • The basic structure of conditional sentences in Tamil
  • Different types of conditionals (real, unreal present, unreal past)
  • Special conditional constructions using -ஆல் and விட்டால்
  • Forming negative conditionals

Practice using these conditional structures in your Tamil conversations and writing to express hypothetical situations and their consequences more effectively.

Next Lesson: Reported Speech