Module 3 Review: Tamil Grammar Basics

Module Overview

In this module, you've learned about:

  • Tamil nouns and pronouns
  • Tamil verb conjugation in different tenses
  • Basic Tamil sentence structure

1. Nouns and Pronouns Review

Match the Tamil pronouns with their English meanings:

Tamil Pronouns:

  1. நான்
  2. நீ
  3. அவன்
  4. அவள்
  5. அது

English Meanings:

  1. You (informal)
  2. She
  3. I
  4. It
  5. He

2. Verb Conjugation Review

Complete the table by conjugating the verb 'செய்' (to do) in different tenses:


3. Sentence Structure Review

Rearrange the words to form correct Tamil sentences:

  1. சாப்பிடுகிறான் / அவன் / சோறு
  2. போகிறாள் / பள்ளிக்கு / அவள்
  3. படிக்கிறேன் / நான் / புத்தகத்தை

4. Comprehensive Quiz

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the correct Tamil translation for "I am going to the house"?

  2. Which of the following is the correct negative form of "அவன் படிக்கிறான்" (He studies)?

  3. What is the correct plural form of "மரம்" (tree)?

Module Completion

Congratulations on completing Module 3: Tamil Grammar Basics! You've made great progress in understanding the fundamental structures of the Tamil language.

Ready to move on to the next module?

Start Module 4: Everyday Conversations →