Lesson 4: Conditional Statements


In this lesson, we'll explore conditional statements in Tamil. Conditional statements are used to express hypothetical situations and their consequences. Understanding these structures will allow you to communicate more complex ideas and scenarios in Tamil.

1. Basic Conditional Statements

In Tamil, basic conditional statements are formed using the suffix -ஆல் (-āl) or என்றால் (eṉṟāl) meaning "if".

Example 1:

மழை பெய்தால், நான் வரமாட்டேன்.

Maḻai peytāl, nāṉ varamāṭṭēṉ.

Translation: If it rains, I won't come.

Example 2:

நீ படித்தால், தேர்வில் வெற்றி பெறுவாய்.

Nī paṭittāl, tērvil veṟṟi peṟuvāy.

Translation: If you study, you will succeed in the exam.

2. Types of Conditional Statements

Tamil has different types of conditional statements to express various levels of possibility:

a. Real Conditional (Possible or Likely)

நீ கடின உழைப்பு செய்தால், நல்ல வேலை கிடைக்கும்.

Nī kaṭiṉa uḻaippu ceytāl, nalla vēlai kiṭaikkum.

Translation: If you work hard, you will get a good job.

b. Unreal Conditional (Unlikely or Impossible)

எனக்கு பணம் இருந்தால், உலகம் முழுவதும் சுற்றுப்பயணம் செய்வேன்.

Eṉakku paṇam iruntāl, ulakam muḻuvatum cuṟṟupayaṇam ceyvēṉ.

Translation: If I had money, I would travel around the world.

c. Past Unreal Conditional

நேற்று மழை பெய்திருந்தால், நான் வீட்டிலேயே இருந்திருப்பேன்.

Nēṟṟu maḻai peytiruntāl, nāṉ vīṭṭilēyē iruntiruppēṉ.

Translation: If it had rained yesterday, I would have stayed at home.

3. Other Conditional Expressions

Tamil also uses other expressions to convey conditional meanings:

  • ஆனால் (āṉāl) - but, however
  • எனினும் (eṉiṉum) - nevertheless, even if
  • இருந்தாலும் (iruntālum) - even though, despite


மழை பெய்தாலும், நாங்கள் விளையாடப் போகிறோம்.

Maḻai peytālum, nāṅkaḷ viḷaiyāṭap pōkiṟōm.

Translation: Even if it rains, we are going to play.


Congratulations on completing the lesson on conditional statements in Tamil! You've now learned how to express hypothetical situations and their consequences in various contexts. This knowledge will greatly enhance your ability to communicate complex ideas in Tamil.

In the next module, we'll explore advanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions in Tamil.

Proceed to Module 2