Lesson 3: Tamil Sentence Structure

1. Basic Tamil Sentence Structure

Tamil follows a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) word order, which is different from English (SVO). This means that in a typical Tamil sentence, the verb comes at the end. Let's look at the basic structure:

நான் புத்தகம் படிக்கிறேன்

nāṉ puttakam paṭikkiṟēṉ

Word-by-word: I (நான்) book (புத்தகம்) read (படிக்கிறேன்)

Meaning: I read a book

2. Subject-Verb Agreement

In Tamil, verbs change their form to agree with the subject in person, number, and gender. This is called subject-verb agreement. For example:

நான் போகிறேன்

nāṉ pōkiṟēṉ

Meaning: I go

அவன் போகிறான்

avaṉ pōkiṟāṉ

Meaning: He goes

3. Adjectives and Adverbs

In Tamil, adjectives come before the nouns they modify, and adverbs typically come before the verbs. For example:

அழகான பெண் வேகமாக ஓடுகிறாள்

aḻakāṉa peṇ vēkamāka ōṭukiṟāḷ

Word-by-word: Beautiful (அழகான) girl (பெண்) quickly (வேகமாக) runs (ஓடுகிறாள்)

Meaning: The beautiful girl runs quickly

4. Postpositions

Tamil uses postpositions instead of prepositions. These come after the noun they relate to. For example:

நான் வீட்டிற்கு போகிறேன்

nāṉ vīṭṭiṟku pōkiṟēṉ

Word-by-word: I (நான்) house-to (வீட்டிற்கு) go (போகிறேன்)

Meaning: I go to the house

5. Question Formation

In Tamil, questions are often formed by adding question words or particles to statements. The word order usually remains the same. For example:

நீ எங்கே போகிறாய்?

nī eṅkē pōkiṟāy?

Meaning: Where are you going?

இது என்ன?

itu eṉṉa?

Meaning: What is this?

6. Negative Sentences

In Tamil, negation is often incorporated into the verb itself. For example:

நான் போகவில்லை

nāṉ pōkavillai

Meaning: I do not go / I am not going


In this lesson, we learned about:

  • The basic Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) structure of Tamil sentences
  • Subject-verb agreement in Tamil
  • The placement of adjectives and adverbs
  • The use of postpositions instead of prepositions
  • How to form questions and negative sentences in Tamil

Keep practicing these sentence structures, and you'll soon be able to construct more complex sentences in Tamil!

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