Lesson 2: Idiomatic Expressions and Proverbs


Welcome to Lesson 2 of Module 2! In this lesson, we'll explore common Tamil idiomatic expressions and proverbs. These phrases are essential for understanding and participating in natural Tamil conversations, as they often carry cultural wisdom and nuanced meanings that go beyond literal translations.

1. Idiomatic Expressions

  • கண்ணில் முள்ளாய் இருத்தல்

    Kaṇṇil muḷḷāy iruttal

    Literal: To be like a thorn in the eye

    Meaning: To be a constant irritation or annoyance

    Usage: அவனது நடத்தை எனக்கு கண்ணில் முள்ளாக இருக்கிறது.

    Translation: His behavior is a constant irritation to me.

  • வயிற்றில் புலி

    Vayiṟṟil puli

    Literal: Tiger in the stomach

    Meaning: To be extremely hungry

    Usage: நான் உணவு உண்ணாமல் இருந்ததால், வயிற்றில் புலி உள்ளது போல உணர்கிறேன்.

    Translation: I feel extremely hungry as I haven't eaten anything.

  • மனதில் பாறாங்கல்

    Maṉatil pāṟāṅkal

    Literal: A boulder in the mind

    Meaning: To have a heavy burden or worry

    Usage: அவள் மனதில் பாறாங்கல்லாக இருந்த பிரச்சினை தீர்ந்தது.

    Translation: The problem that was weighing heavily on her mind has been resolved.

2. Proverbs (பழமொழிகள்)

  • அவசரப்பட்டு அமுதமும் உண்ணக்கூடாது.

    Avasarappaṭṭu amutamum uṇṇakkūṭātu.

    Literal: Don't eat even ambrosia in haste.

    Meaning: Haste makes waste. Take your time, even for good things.

  • ஆழம் தெரியாமல் காலை விடாதே.

    Āḻam teriyāmal kālai viṭātē.

    Literal: Don't step in without knowing the depth.

    Meaning: Don't venture into something without proper knowledge or preparation.

  • கற்றது கைமண் அளவு, கல்லாதது உலகளவு.

    Kaṟṟatu kaimaṇ aḷavu, kallātatu ulakaḷavu.

    Literal: What is learned is a handful of sand, what is not learned is the size of the world.

    Meaning: The more you learn, the more you realize how much you don't know.


Excellent work on completing this lesson on Tamil idiomatic expressions and proverbs! These phrases will greatly enrich your Tamil vocabulary and help you understand the cultural nuances in everyday conversations.

In the next lesson, we'll explore literary and poetic Tamil, diving into the rich tradition of Tamil literature.

Continue to Lesson 3: Literary and Poetic Tamil